Technical Note

Community-based participatory research: understanding a promising approach to addressing knowledge gaps in palliative care

Catherine Riffin, Cara Kenien, Angela Ghesquiere, Ashley Dorime, Carolina Villanueva, Daniel Gardner, Jean Callahan, Elizabeth Capezuti, M. Carrington Reid


Concern over the need for effective and accessible healthcare for individuals with advanced chronic illness has drawn attention to the significant gaps in our knowledge of palliative medicine. To advance our understanding of this field, community-based participatory research (CBPR) is proposed as a tool for future research initiatives. This paper offers a rationale for how CBPR may be employed to address specific gaps in palliative care research. Several examples where this approach has been used previously are described, and potential obstacles to implementing this research method are delineated. Despite challenges to incorporating CBPR to palliative care research, this approach holds substantial potential to advance our current understanding of the field and promote sensitivity for future programs, practices and policies.

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